Accredited Member School
Summit Christian School
An Excellent Education Rooted in God’s Word

At Summit, we believe that every child deserves a college-preparatory education. We offer honors courses in middle school and a special class for students performing at or above the 90th percentile to challenge our brightest students.
By individualizing our instruction and working to ensure that every student masters grade level content, we use best practices to address learning gaps or special learning challenges in the regular classroom and as part of our Cultivate program for students with unique learning needs.
We strive to help every student acquire the necessary foundation for a successful life glorifying God and utilizing his/her unique gifts to benefit others.
Staff & Students
School Head
Jennifer S. Mathews
Full-time Faculty & Administration
Support Staff
K3-K4 10
K5 14
Grades 1-5 64
Grades 6-8 47
9065 Ligon Ct
Fort Myers, FL 33908
Phone: (239) 482-7007
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