Accredited Member School
Impact Christian Academy
Doing School Differently!

While some may perceive that a private Christian school is a proverbial bubble isolating students from the “real world,” ICA takes seriously the biblical charge to “take captive every thought, to make it obedient to Christ,” and we share the philosophy with C.S. Lewis, that it is better to “irrigate the deserts” by training students to be discerning and shrewd in their dealings with the world. It is the same training method that Jesus used with His own disciples.
Jesus sent out His twelve into the world with this statement:
“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.”
—Matthew 10:16
The Christian community has focused on the second part of that charge — teaching our students to be as innocent as doves — to avoid being stained by the world. In the past, the first part of this charge has been overlooked, much to the detriment of students. Study after study confirms that Christian students are walking away from their faith as they leave the comforts and confines of home, and enter into the “brave new world” on the college campus.
At least 75 percent (some say as high as 90 percent) of students are ill-equipped for the challenges to their faith they will encounter from friends, professors and the world at-large.
Like the famous Dylan Thomas poem, we prepare students not to go gently into that good night — and to do that we have developed a myriad of opportunities that produce conflict, stimulate critical thinking, and equip students and their families to demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God (2 Cor. 10:5). As Isaac Ambrose once wrote, “… you have arduous work allotted to you, and you have neither time nor talent to throw away.”
At ICA, we take this charge seriously to prepare and equip our students for the challenges and opportunities that await them. This intentional effort is what makes Impact Christian Academy “DISTINCTIVE”.
Throughout our website you will find information as to what really makes ICA “distinctive.” From our mission statement to ministry opportunities, we hope that you will spend some time and see that ICA is serious about being more than just a haven from a world system that stands in opposition to biblical truth — we are also a training facility, a springboard, and a resource to help raise up a new generation of godly young men and women, while strengthening families on their journey. In the classic C.S. Lewis tale, “The Last Battle,” Lord Digory responds to Lucy’s impression that everything seemed so “different” than before. His response was, “And of course it is different; as different as a real thing is from a shadow or as waking life is from a dream.”
The differences at ICA are intentional and profound — and we hope you find that they are exactly what you are looking for in an educational environment to help you train up your children in the way they should go!
Staff & Students
School Head
Evelyn Doris Gonzalez
Full-time Faculty & Administration
Part-time Faculty & Administration
Support Staff
Part-Day Early Childhood 12
K3-K4 9
K5 16
Grades 1-5 71
Grades 6-8 82
Grades 9-12 134
Enrollment totals include
these special programs:
VPK Students 16
Fla Corporate Tax Students 116
9501 Arlington Expressway 245B
Jacksonville, FL 32225
Phone: (904) 652-1441
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