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Accreditation Standard #4.6
School Maintains Written Curricular Alignment in Scope and Sequence

The school maintains and follows an up-to-date, written curricular alignment in scope and sequence among all levels of learners for all current courses and subject areas. It includes (a) a Christian philosophy of teaching and learning; (b) instructional objectives and learner outcomes; (c) student assessments; (d) course outlines that identify concepts; and (e) materials and resources used to accomplish the goals and outcomes.

Explanatory Standards (ES)

    * Required
    1. Early Childhood Instructional Division Requirements

      The Early Childhood Instructional Division provides a balance of activities, sufficient classroom materials, a developmental curriculum, and meets the required teacher-to-child ratio. These standards are explicated in the EC-1 HSS Checklist PDF download.

    2. Elementary Instructional Division Requirements

      The Elementary Instructional Division provides for development of students, an academic curriculum with Christian worldview, and instructional methods and strategies.

      Artifacts Curriculum Guide * Evidence of school instructional division’s requirements
      1. Elementary Instructional Division Develops Student

        The Elementary Instructional Division provides a curriculum that develops in students:

        • an understanding that the Bible is the only authoritative basis for an individual’s moral development, faith, and spiritual practice
        • basic skills and understanding in reading, oral and written communication, and mathematics
        • essential knowledge in the fields of life, physical, and social science
        • functional skills in computer literacy and technology
        • habits conducive to wholesome development in the areas of physical growth and health
        • appreciation of literature, drama, music, art and basic skills in these artistic expressions
        • the ability to think, act, and research independently
        • willingness to accept responsibility
        • an appreciation of cultural and ethnic diversity
        • ability to live and function in a social setting and to establish a wholesome relationship with God, adults, and peers
        • moral, ethical, and patriotic values

      2. Elementary Instructional Division Academic Disciplines

        The Elementary Instructional Division provides a curriculum that contains academic disciplines taught from a distinctly Christian viewpoint integrating faith to learning including:

        • Bible and worship
        • language arts (including reading, writing, and oral communication)
        • mathematics
        • life and physical science
        • social studies and history
        • health and physical education
        • art, music, drama, and crafts
        • computer science
        • Bible and worship

      3. Elementary Instructional Division Methods and Strategies

        The Elementary Instructional Division employs strategies that include:

        • a multi-sensory approach
        • use of learning centers
        • cooperative learning groups
        • peer coaching
        • large group, small group, and individualized opportunities for learning
        • computerized instruction and integration of computerized learning

    3. Middle School/Junior High School Instructional Division Requirements

      The Middle School/Junior High Instructional Division provides development of students, provides for development of students, an academic curriculum with Christian worldview, and a varied co-curriculum.

      Artifacts Curriculum Guide * Evidence of school instructional division’s requirements
      1. Middle School/Junior High School Instructional Division Develops Students

        The MS/Jr High Instructional Division develops students and provides:

        • a growing understanding of God, His Word and its relevancy to personal faith and Christian walk
        • a fuller understanding of being created in the image of God
        • an appreciation of various kinds of literature and literary styles
        • competency in written communication
        • confidence in expressing thoughts and opinions through oral
        • communication and listening skills
        • competency in mathematics, abstract thinking, reasoning and problem solving skills
        • a greater understanding of scientific principles through inquiry, exploration and experimentation
        • a more highly developed understanding of computer technology and its application, increased use of technology in teaching, as well as student skill in computer use
        • personal physical conditioning and wholesome health habits
        • an appreciation for the creative arts, as well as develop talent in artistic expression
        • an appreciation for other ethnics groups and cultures
        • the ability to think, act and research independently
        • opportunities for the development of personal interests or talents through a variety of activities
        • opportunities for Christian service
        • opportunities for interpersonal relationships and social interactions through a variety of activities and events
        • guidance and counsel for spiritual, academic, and emotional needs

      2. Middle School/Junior High School Instructional Division Academic Disciplines

        The MS/Jr High provides a curriculum that contains academic disciplines taught from a distinctly Christian viewpoint integrating learning with faith including:

        • Bible and worship
        • English (grammar, vocabulary, literature, communication skills)
        • mathematics (general or advanced)
        • science (life and physical science) Science and other laboratories are furnished and equipped and comply with local and state codes for health and safety (e.g., showers in chemistry labs, safe storage of hazardous chemicals, etc.),
        • social studies and history (geography, world history, United States history)
        • health education and physical education
        • fine arts (music and art)
        • foreign language
        • computer science

      3. Middle School/Junior High School Instructional Division Co-Curriculum

        The MS/Jr High Instructional Division offers a co-curriculum with at least eight of the following:

        • chorus
        • band
        • orchestra
        • interscholastic sports with equitable opportunities for girls and boys
        • intramural sports with equitable opportunities for girls and boys
        • cheerleading
        • club program
        • community service
        • scholastic competition
        • National Junior Honor Society ( for re-accreditation only)
        • prayer and Bible study groups
        • Fellowship of Christian Athletes or a similar program
        • school newspaper
        • yearbook
        • literary magazine
        • student government
        • chapel
        • drama
        • fine art competitions or shows

    4. High School Instructional Division Requirements

      The High School Instructional Division provides a curriculum that develops students, requires a cumulative GPA in either or both of two academic programs, contains a minimum core academic requirements, and also provides a balanced co-curriculum.

      Artifacts Curriculum Guide * Evidence of school instructional division’s requirements
      1. High School Instructional Division Develops Students

        The High School Instructional Division provides a curriculum that develops for students:

        • active, contributing citizenship in God’s kingdom
        • a deeper understanding of God, His Word and its relevancy to personal faith and Christian walk
        • a fuller understanding of being created in the image of God
        • an appreciation of various kinds of literature and literary styles
        • competency in written communication
        • confidence in expressing thoughts and opinions through oral communication and listening skills
        • competency in mathematics, abstract thinking, reasoning and problem solving skills
        • a greater understanding of scientific principles through inquiry, experimentation
        • a greater understanding of computer technology and its application, as well as skill in computer use
        • lifetime physical conditioning and wholesome health habits
        • an appreciation for the creative arts, as well as develop talent in artistic expression
        • an appreciation for other ethnic groups and cultures
        • the ability to think, act and research independently
        • opportunities for the development of personal interests or talents through a variety of activities
        • opportunities for Christian service
        • opportunities for interpersonal relationships and social interactions through a variety of activities and events
        • guidance and counsel for spiritual, academic, and emotional needs

      2. High School Instructional Division Curriculum Provides Academic Programs

        The High School provides a curriculum that requires a cumulative 2.0 GPA for courses required for graduation contained in either or both of two academic programs: a college preparatory program, and a general program. The college preparatory program is academically demanding in depth and scope so as to prepare graduates with the knowledge, skills, and independence necessary to successfully pursue advanced learning at the college/university level. Both programs are taught from a distinctly Christian viewpoint, integrating learning with faith.

      3. High School Instructional Division Curriculum Contains Core Academic Requirements

        The High School Instructional Program provides a curriculum that contains a minimum of 24 core academic requirements as stated in the Course Code Directory published by the Florida Department of Education and required for entrance into the Florida State University System, and with elective courses that are planned and conducted with the same professional validity as the core academic courses, including but not limited to the following credits:

        • 3 Bible
        • 3 social studies and history
        • 4 English
        • 3 science (two with laboratory) Science and other laboratories are furnished and equipped and comply with local and state codes for health and safety (e.g., showers in chemistry labs, safe storage of hazardous chemicals, etc.)
        • 3 mathematics (algebra I, geometry, algebra II)
        • 2 foreign language (through second level of the same language required for college preparatory program)
        • 1 practical arts or performing arts
        • 1 physical education to include the integration of health
        • 3-5 electives

      4. High School Instructional Division Co-Curriculum

        The High School Instructional Division ensures a co-curriculum that offers at least one activity in each of the following areas, with balanced equity of participation for girls and boys:

        • athletics
        • spiritual development
        • arts
        • community/school service
        • communications
        • academic/social activities

  1. Artifacts
    * Required