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Accreditation Standard #4.8
School Addresses Special Needs Assistance

The school implements processes and utilizes personnel necessary to address student learning for those needing special assistance.

Explanatory Standards (ES)

    * Required
    1. Special Needs Academic Programs On Site or Referral

      The school makes available academic programs on site or through referral which meet the needs of exceptional children in its enrollment (e.g. SLD, gifted, enhancement, tutorial, etc.)

      Artifacts Curriculum Guide * Evidence of academic programs for exceptional students (SWD, gifted, etc.) Evidence of tutorials, pull-out programs & outside referral programs for exceptional students
    2. Special Needs Support Programs On-site or through Referral

      The school makes available support programs on site or through referral which service students and their families with psychological or behavioral needs (e.g. guidance/counseling, behavioral management, parenting skills training, etc.)

      Artifact Evidence of tutorials, pull-out programs & outside referral programs for exceptional students
    3. Special Needs Extended Day Supervision

      The school provides adequate supervision, when providing an extended day program, and meets all applicable DCF and county requirements, including play, instructional, and rest space and adult to child ratios

      Artifact Evidence of adequate supervision for extended day program
    4. Special Needs Volunteer Services

      The school has a parent organization(s) that provide(s) volunteer services to students, teachers, and administration.

      Artifact Evidence of parent volunteer services for special needs
  1. Artifacts
    * Required