Accreditation Standard #7.1
Early Childhood Program Complies with Health and Safety Standards
The Early Childhood Program successfully demonstrates compliance with the Early Childhood Health and Safety Standards as evidenced by an up-to-date inspection by CSF using the EC-1 Checklist or by regular state inspections for schools operating in home-rule counties, state-licensed schools, or school participating in School Readiness.
Explanatory Standards (ES)
EC Notarized Statement Assuring HSS Substantial Compliance
The program shall send an annual notarized statement by October 1 of each year assuring substantial compliance with the health and safety requirements of Christian Schools of Florida. The statement should be sent via email to the early childhood director of Christian Schools of Florida, using form EC-7.
Artifact Copy of Annual Notarized Substantial Compliance Statement -
EC Inspection Schedule and Fee
The program shall be visited ONCE each year in the fall annually for inspection by a representative of Christian Schools of Florida. Schools with VPK or Gold Seal programs will be inspected TWICE each year with an additional visit in the winter/spring. Schools will be invoiced $100.00 per visit each year. This fee must be paid within thirty (30) days of receiving the invoice for the visit.
Artifact Evidence of HSS inspection by CSF, or by state if licensed, or by county if home-ruled -
EC Inspection Travel Expenses
Persons conducting visits to early childhood programs to assure compliance with CSF standards will be paid travel expenses from the inspection fee. The CSF inspector shall use Miscellaneous Form-4 CSF Expense Voucher [located at Inspect a School>MF-4 CSF Expense Voucher] and present the expense voucher to the CSF Bookkeeper for payment.
EC Not in Compliance with HSS
If not in compliance with the Christian Schools of Florida EC health and safety requirements, the program shall normally be given ten (10) working days to come into compliance, unless it is a serious issue endangering the safety and/or health of children. If the latter, the program shall be given at the determination of the inspector from one (1) to five (5) working days to come into compliance.
EC Associate Member Failing Compliance with HSS
If a program operated by a school holding associate membership in Christian Schools of Florida fails to come into compliance after the time period stipulated in the previous item, its certificate of exemption from licensing shall be revoked and the Department of Children and Families will be notified that the program’s qualification from exemption from licensing has been revoked.
EC Accredited Member Failing Compliance with HSS
If a program operated by a school holding accredited membership in Christian Schools of Florida fails to come into compliance after the time period stipulated in the previous item, it shall be placed immediately in “Probation Status” by Christian Schools of Florida, its certificate of exemption from licensing shall be revoked, and the Department of Children and Families will be notified that the program’s qualification for exemption from licensing has been revoked.
* Required
* Required