Schedule of Events


seminars SESIP Peer Review Team Training

22 April 2016, 9:00 am

seminars Legal Seminar with Suzanne Bogdan

30 October 2015, 9:00 am

What is the possible impact on your school resulting from the Supreme Court’s ??Obergefell v. Hodges?? same-gender marriage decision?

seminars SESIP Training for New Peer Review Team Members

24 April 2015, 10:00 am

This seminar is initial training for educators who previously have not served as Peer Review Team members.

seminars SESIP Workshop for All Schools to be Visited During the 2015-2016 School Year

23 January 2015, 9:00 am

These meeting is required for all schools to be visited 2015-2016 school year. New reporting formats, new processes, new standards to be explained and schools trained to use.

seminars Kingdom Education Workshop

3 November 2014, 9:00 am

Glenn Schultz, author of Kingdom Education, a close parallel to CSF’s Transformational Education, will present a well-received workshop designed to assist school leaders to emphasize afresh the distinction that makes an excellent Christian School far different and with a higher calling than an excellent charter school down the street.

This is a free workshop.